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Foto: SE Struck, Grafik: Sarah Keckeisen

Digital Performance

Funding programme for performative projects that combine digital narratives and technology

The ‘Digital Performance’ programme supports projects that combine digital narratives and technology. The focus is on performative approaches that deal with topics of digitality or digitalisation, pursue a non-linear dramaturgy or incorporate responsive elements into the stage action. 

Organisers, artists, institutions and initiatives from the member cities of the NRW KULTURsekretariat are eligible to apply. Applications can be submitted all year round.

Digital performances have long been a funding focus of the NRWKS and are also part of the ‘Next Level - Festival for Games, Interactive Art and Digital Theatre’. Founded and organised by NRWKS in 2010, the festival was first hosted by the City of Dortmund in 2024.

The NRWKS has also contributed to the ‘MiR.LAB’ at the Musiktheater im Revier, Gelsenkirchen, via the ‘Neue Wege’ programme and is in constant exchange with the Academy for Theatre and Digitality, Dortmund.

Current maximum funding amount: 10,000 euros